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收藏品展 近现代美术

Tanaka Chisato: Living Mural(中)
收藏品展 近现代美术

Tanaka Chisato: Living Mural

会期 2023年1月5日(周四)〜2025年12月27日(周六)
开馆时间 上午9:30 - 下午5:30 last admission at 5:00 p.m.
休息日 Mondays (or the following weekday if Monday falls on a national holiday)
Dec. 28–Jan. 4
会场 The Mural

This mural was painted by Fukuoka-based artist Tanaka Chisato as part of the special exhibition Tanaka Chisato: Horizon and Road (5 January – 21 March 2023). The first phase of this mural painting was completed at the end of January 2023. Subsequently, the artist will retouch it in January 2024 and January 2025, making alterations to the painting each time. Thereafter, the mural will be on view until the end of December 2025.

About the artist
Tanaka Chisato (born in 1980)
After graduating from the Oil Painting Course at the Tama Art University, Tokyo in 2005, Tanaka started her career as an artist in Fukuoka the following year. She has established her own style using acrylic paints to create smooth black backgrounds in which subjects in front are brilliantly painted with oil paints. Tanaka’s paintings give viewers a vivid impression and stimulate their imagination through combining contrasting elements, such as figures who look smiling and angry at the same time, or glittering landscapes in the pitch-black darkness. Nowadays, she has become one of the leading artists in Fukuoka through a wide range of creative activities, including many solo and group exhibitions, book-cover design, and a large-scale mural on the new building of SHOGAKUKAN Inc., a publishing company.





普通  200日元(150日元) 
高中生及大学生  50日元(100日元) 
中小学生以下  免费

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