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Getting here

Fukuoka Art Museum
1-6 Ohori Koen, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka city,
Fukuoka prefecture, 810-0051 Japan
Phone: +81-(0)92-714-6051
Fax: +81-(0)92-714-6071

Detailed Map
Detailed Map

Fukuoka City Subway

Airport Line
From (station) Subway travel times To (station) To Fukuoka Art Museum
Fukuokakuko (Airport)  [K13] Approx. 15 min. Ohorikoen (Ohori Park) (Fukuoka Art Museum) [K06] 10-minute walk from Exit 3 or 6
Hakata [K11] Approx. 10 min.
Tenjin [K08] Approx. 5 min.

Subway Information

Nanakuma Line
From (station) Subway travel times To (station) To Fukuoka Art Museum
Tenjin-minami [N16] Approx. 8 min. Ropponmatsu [N11] 10-minute walk from Exit 2

Subway Information

Nishitetsu Bus

From Hakata Station
From (bus stop) Bus No. To (bus stop) To Fukuoka Art Museum
Hakata Bus Terminal,
bus stop No. 2
13 Fukuokashi Bijutsukan Higashiguchi 3-minute walk
Hakata Bus Terminal,
bus stop No. 2
12 Akasaka 3-chome 5-minute walk
Hakata Bus Terminal,
bus stop No. 4
113, 114, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 208 Akasaka 3-chome 5-minute walk
Hakata Sta. A 6 Akasaka 3 -chome 5-minute walk
Hakata Sta. A 6-1 Fukuoka Castle Ruins and NHK Broadcasting Center 3-minute walk

Bus timetable search

From Tenjin
From (bus stop) Bus No. To (bus stop) To Fukuoka Art Museum
Tenjin Fukuoka Bldg. or Tenjin Kyouwa Bldg. 13, 140 Fukuokashi Bijutsukan Higashiguchi 3-minute walk
Tenjin Fukuoka Bldg. or Tenjin Kyouwa Bldg. 12 Akasaka 3-chome 5-minute walk
Tenjin Core 7, 201, 204, 205, 206, 208 Akasaka 3-chome 5-minute walk
Tenjin Kego Shrine and Mitsukoshi 6, 7, 113, 114, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208 Akasaka 3-chome 5-minute walk
Tenjin Kego Shrine and Mitsukoshi 6-1 Fukuoka Castle Ruins and NHK Broadcasting Center 3-minute walk

Bus timetable search

Express buses do not stop at Fukuokashi Bijutsukan Higashiguchi and Akasaka 3-chome.
For locations of bus stops around Hakata Station and in the Tenjin area, click here

Urban Expressway

For those driving toward Karatsu on the Urban Expressway, leave the expressway at Nishikoen Ramp and drive south for 5 minutes.
For those driving either eastward or westward on the Urban Expressway, leave the expressway at Momochi Ramp and drive southeast for 10 minutes.
For a parking map, see the “Detailed Map.

Fukuoka Art Museum Parking Lot

Hours of operation: 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. (on Museum open days only)
Note: The parking lot is very crowded on weekends, public holidays and other peak days. Try to use public transport as far as possible.

Parking fees
Standard-sized cars (26 cars) 200 yen/hour
Buses (5 buses) 2,000 yen each time a bus parks
  • The parking lot is available only to visitors to the Museum.
  • You cannot use the parking lot on days when the Museum is closed or outside the hours of operation.
  • Free parking is available to holders of the public certificates listed below* or their drivers.
  • Buses with reservations will be given parking priority. (Call : +81-(0)92-714-6051)
  • For more information about parking for buses for schools and other educational organizations, see “Learning & Education Program for Schools.

* Physical Disability Handbook (Shintai Shogaisha Techo), Medical Rehabilitation Handbook (Ryoiku Techo), Mental Disability Handbook (Seishin Shogaisha Fukushi Techo), Designated Medical Expenses Recipient Certificate (for Designated Intractable/Rare Diseases) (Tokutei Iryohi [Shitei Nambyo] Jukyushasho), Designated Disease Treatment Recipient Certificate (Tokutei Shikkan Iryo Jukyushasho), Congenital Blood Clotting Disorder Treatment Recipient Certificate (Sentensei Ketsueki Gyoko Inshi Shogai-to Iryo Jukyushasho), Designated Chronic Pediatric Disease Treatment Recipient Certificate (Shoni Mansei Tokutei Shippei Iryo Jukyushasho) or their equivalents