The Art Information corner is located in the lobby next to the North Entrance on the 2nd floor. Art books, magazines and exhibition flyers from other museums are available here. Information terminals are also available here to enable you to search for and view various information about art, including our books and art collections.
Art Books
A part of our book collection (approximately 1000 books including complete sets of art books and magazines) and books related to our exhibits are available for reading in this corner.
Our Art Collection Database: Collection Gallery “Feel the art more fully!”
Our two information terminals enable you to check artworks highly recommended by our curators and artworks popular among visitors, as well as artworks sorted by theme, such as material or motif. The terminals also enable you to search for our art collections and book materials.
“Close-up Loupe”
Using a touch-screen interface with a digital magnifier function, you can zoom in on small details and examine the texture and other characteristics of each artwork.